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Rules & Regulations

All current rules are also posted on the cemetery building.

Rules and Regulations for Cemetery Corporations Acceptable to the Division of Cemeteries as Being in Conformance with the Requirements of the Law. | Effective 06/11/2019


North Bloomfield Cemetery Association, Inc. No. 35-021 Incorporated 5/31/1870

1941 State Route 65, Honeoye Falls, New York 14472 |

1. All lots / plots in the North Bloomfield Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of New York and shall not be used for any other purpose than as a burial place for dead human beings.

2. The following information must be furnished by the undertaker in the form of burial permit.

  • Name of deceased.

  • Age of deceased – including date of birth, if known.

  • Place of birth of deceased, if known.

  • Date of death.

  • Time and date of interment.

  • If not an adult – the names of parent (s) or legal guardian (s) of deceased.

3. Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their lots for compensation.

4. Except as provided for in Section 1513 (C of The Not-For Profit Corp. Law), no Lot Owner may transfer his or her lot.

5. The full purchase price must be paid and a completed Next Generation Information form provided before a Deed will be given or burial allowed on the lot.

6. Costs:

Are posted in a separate document.

7. Required Fees:

Are posted in a separate document.

8. Burial Guidelines:

  • One full burial or up to 2 cremations or a combination of one full burial and 1 cremation per single plot.

  • Cremations with a full burial are conditional as to be able to cover the cremation with at least 6 inches of soil. (It is best to plan for this with the full burial).    

9. Monuments and Mausoleums:

  • Only one (1) upright monument per single plot.

  • Only five (5) monuments shall be allowed on a full size lot 10 x 20 feet and only two (2) monuments shall be allowed on a half size lot 10 x 10 feet, then they shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the Cemetery and shall conform with said plan in size and material.

  • No foundation shall be placed in the Cemetery without the direction of the Superintendent as to the correct location and shall be finished true and level.

  • The North Bloomfield Cemetery Association requires the use of a concrete burial vault or concrete grave liner for full burials except for those with a religious exemption. There is a surcharge for vault less burials.

  • The bases of all Monuments shall be finished true and level so as to fit on foundations without wedging or sprawls.

  • No Monument will be allowed to be delivered to the Cemetery until the foundation is installed and ready to receive the monument.

  • No Vault or Mausoleum shall be built above ground without the permission of the Trustees and then only in such location as they may approve.

  • No Mausoleum will be approved for construction by the Trustees unless a sufficient endowment is set up to provide adequate income to maintain the structure.

10. Obligations and Responsibilities:

  • Plot owners and / or family members of the deceased are expected to participate in the maintenance and on-going oversight of the cemetery by attending the Spring and Fall Cleanup days and the Annual North Bloomfield Cemetery Association meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of June.

  • Plot owners and / or family members of the deceased are expected to keep informed by reading informational postings on the cemetery shed.

  • Plot owners and / or family members of the deceased are required to keep contact information current by providing updated phone, email and/or physical address information to the cemetery superintendent or a trustee. Any notice required to be sent shall be sent to the last recorded address and such notice shall be deemed adequate.

11. The North Bloomfield Cemetery Association, after due notice to lot owner, reserves the right to:

  • Remove all flowers (real or artificial), wreaths, or other decoration including but not limited to balloons, flags, LED lights from plots or items displaced from plots as soon as they become unsightly, deteriorated, dangerous or that hinders routine maintenance of lawn.

    • No glass items or cans are allowed to be left on grave sites due to the danger of lawn maintenance breaking and cutting up these items.

    • Seasonal items are to be removed no later than April 1st so lawn maintenance can begin.

  • Remove any effigy or inscription which, in the opinion of the majority of the Trustees, is unsightly or dangerous.

  • Restrict the planting of shrubs and trees and to remove any planting, shrub, tree that hinders routine maintenance.

12. All work done in the Cemetery shall be done by Cemetery employees or under the control of the Superintendent or the Trustees.

13. Heavy trucking or other vehicular traffic shall be refused entrance to the Cemetery when, in the opinion of the Superintendent, injury to Roads and Driveways might result.

14. All persons shall be allowed access to the Cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and the propriety due the Cemetery.

15. These Rules and Regulations may be amended by the Trustees or said North Bloomfield Cemetery Association but no such amendments shall be effective until approved by New York State Cemetery Board.






The annual meeting of trustees to fill the place of those whose term of office expires shall be held on the second Tuesday in June at such hour and place as the Trustees shall direct. The Trustees chosen at any election shall hold their place for three (3) years. Every person of full age and who shall be owner of a lot in the North Bloomfield Cemetery shall be entitled to vote according to Section 1512 (of the Not-For-Profit Corp. Law).


The Board of Trustees shall consist of a minimum of five (5) members. The Trustees at each annual meeting shall make reports to the lot owners of their doings and of the management and condition of the property and concerns of the Association. The Trustees shall meet immediately following the adjournment of the annual meeting for the purpose of electing at a minimum Treasurer, Secretary and Superintendent. A majority vote among the trustees is one more than the number of trustees on the board.

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